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Swiss Open Air Pop & Rock Festivals 2012updated 2015-06-07
Every summer open-air music festivals attract thousands of people all over Switzerland. You can find a variety of styles, both from a musical as well as from an infrastructural point of view. Classical outdoor events like Gurten or Frauenfeld attract a young audience willing to withstand heat and dust or rain and mud for the sake of being part of it. Rock and Rap/Hip Hop dominate the scene there. Other festivals like Locarno and Blueballs take place on paved ground and partly even indoors in the city center. The line-up there is focused on mainstream pop and big names from the past (like Elton John or classic Swiss bands like Züri West). Though Country Music has not so many fans in Switzerland at least if you take the playlists of commercial radio stations as an indicator, there are two country music festivals: the Trucker & Country Festival in Interlaken and Openair Klewenalp.
A couple of smaller festivals have been forced out of business:
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