Swiss Singers and Songwriters

Swiss Singers/Songwriters

ArtistMajor Songs
Mani Matter
the legendary father of swiss singers-songwriters
Dr Eskimo; Bim Coiffeur; Dr Ferdinand isch gstorbe; I han en Uhr erfunde; Es git e Bueb mit Name Fritz; Si hei dr Wilhälm Täll ufgfüert; De Hansjakobli und ds Babettli; Ds Lied vo de Bahnhöf; Ds Heidi; I han es Zündhölzli azündt; Die Strass, won i drann wone; Alls wo mir i d Finger chunnt; Bärnhard Matter; Ds Portemonnaie; Ds Nünitram; Us emene lääre Gygeschaschte; Hemmige; Boxmätsch; Dr Parkingmeter; Är isch vom Amt ufbotte gsy; D' Nase; Mir hei e Verein; Dr Noah; Dr eint het Angscht; Ballade vom Nationalrat Hugo Sanders; Hie ir Schwyz; Dialog im Strandbad; Betrachtige über nes Sandwitsch; Farbfoto; E Löl, e blöde Siech, e Glünggi un e Sürmel, oder: Schimpf&wouml;rter sy Glückssach; Chue am Waldesrand; Dr Wecker; Ballade (title song for the movie "Dauml;llebach Kari"); Ir Ysebahn; Mir het de Dings verzellt; Dr Alpeflug; Missverständnis; Dene wo's guet geit; Ds' Lied vom Kritisiere; arabisch (Dr Sidi Abdel Assar); Dynamit am Bundeshuus; Nei säget sölle mir vo nüt meh andrem tröume; Ballade vom Herr Zehnder; Warum syt ihr so truurig?
Fritz Widmer Ballade vo däm wo nie zueglost het; Ballade vom abbrönnte Pfarrhuus; E Liich; Ballade vom fromme Ross; Weltreis; Hauptüebig vo de Füürwehr; Vati chum hei
Bernhard Stirnemann Es Nönnli & ä Bischoff
Oli Kehrli &
Berner Trouvéres
Der Godi Kehrli; Ds schwarze Schaf
Jakob Stickelberger De Turmbau vo Volketswil; Mi Elefant; Amsle; D'Affe
Franz Hohler
Biel, 1943-03-01
Herr Oberstdivisionär (Swiss German version of Le déserteur by Boris Villaud); S' Bärndütsche Gschichtli
Toni Vescoli Susanne vom Land (this song was made a charts hit in Germany in a standard German version by German singer/songwriter Reinhard Mey); Uf das chunnt's a; Es Pfäffli; S'Denkmol; N1; Es Regewürmli; Scho root; Die ganzi Wält wür zämestah (Wie guet isch hüt en andri Zyt); Simmer dänn es Lumpepack?; Worum und wieso?; Plätz vo Züri [Streets of London cover]; Hey Baby, was isch los?
Ruedi ChrebsUndergang vo de Stadt Bern
Gusti PollakKaiserangst
Aernschd Born
Jürg JeggeWeltreis vomene Zwanzgerli
Werner JuntDe Konformand; E Floigä; Lindwurm
Rolf Probala Dame Helvetia; Summertag a de Rüss
Dieter Wiesmann Bloss e chlini Stadt [only a small town] (Hymn to his hometown Schaffhausen); De Tuusigfüessler Balthasar; Plitsch und Platsch; Momoll; Gäge de Strom;
Polo HoferKiosk; Teddybär
Peter ReberReisefieber; Ds Hippigschpänschtli; Jede bruucht sy Insel; D'Chinder vom Kolumbus
Dodo HugDr Ätti; Eine Reise ans Mittelmeer
Stephan Eicher Dejeuner en paix; Pas d'amis comme toi; Des hauts, des bas; Hemmige (cover version)
Michael von der HeideJeudi amour
Linard BardillLuege was der Mond so macht; Im Munggeloch; Muetter Erde [Mother Earth]; Rätsel; Wohi
Corin Curschellas La pura; s'Gäld [money]; Grischunit; Canzun de Sontga Margriata

Mani Matter is regarded as the "father" of all contemporary Swiss singer / songwriters. His adaptation of French style chansons (Georges Brassens) to Swiss German (Bernese) dialect found many followers.

Matter had a full time job as a lawyer for the city of Bern and teacher at the faculty of law at the University of Bern, and he was considered to be a real expert in this field. His chansons and poetry were an unrivaled blend of simplicity, nonsense and poetry that makes you start to think about things you would otherwise never have been thinking of.

In 1992 all famous contemporary Swiss pop musicians united to reinterpret Mani Matter's songs on a tribute CD called Matter Rock. More than 30 years after his early death in a car accident almost every child in the German speaking part of Switzerland still knows his songs.

See also:

Switzerland from A to Z
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